Monday, August 25, 2008


Leptospirosis, or Weil's diseases, is an acute fever caused by a spiral bacteria, Leptospira (Spirocheae), communicated from animals to humans, commonly through skin contact with rat infested water or sewage. If often takes a fatal form characterized by jaundice and bleeding. Leptospira may also cause Meningitis. The treatment for human infect of this bacteria is by penicillin.

That is the definition of leptospirosis only, the real human that is infected by this bacteria can cause many trouble on body organization. This bacteria come from rat urine which infected by this bacteria. The rat itself get this diseases from the mite which is stay on the rat. After secrete together with urine this bacteria just can live for few minute on a dry place. But if these bacteria can stay in water can live for longer time, about 10 days.

In Jakarta these diseases ever spread after flood disaster, may many of the rats also become a victim and many of rats have leptospirosis. Diseases happened after the flood finished and people clean the dirt after flooding. If there is no wound in the human body, this bacteria won't infected, the problem is Indonesian people often clean dirty place without protective equipment, such as booth shoe or rubber shoe and other equipment. When their food or hand becomes wound then they are infected by these bacteria.

This diseases symptom is similar with flue disease, so often the doctor wrong diagnoses the diseases, if getting from flue doctor will not give them antibiotics. These diseases can cure with a simple medicine, just need penicillin antibiotics. But if doctor make wrong diagnose then the next problem will come. These bacteria will develop very fast in human body, in just 3 days these bacteria will attack kidney. If the kidney becomes broken, this can say too late. The blood will can not clean again, from this condition all the body will change the color to blue, because of the blood is like poisonous. If blood is poisoned then blood can't accept or process drug that inject to their body. Hepar also will attack by leptospirosis and finally these bacteria will attack Lung and Brain. This is the end of human life, this can happened just in two week after infected by this bacteria.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is the term used for two different endocrine diseases, both of which are characterized by excessive urination and thirst. Diabetes Mellitus is a pancreatic disease affecting carbohydrate, protein, and lipid metabolism. In severe diabetes mellitus, the concentration in the blood of a sugar, glucose, is markedly elevated and large amounts of glucose are excreted in the urine. Diabetes insipidus is a condition associated with the inability of the kidney to conserve water. It is caused by a failure of a hypothalamus to release antidiuretic hormone. The discussion on this article is limited to Diabetes Mellitus which is a far more prevalent and important diseases than Diabetes Insipidus.

Type of Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes Mellitus is doe to an inability of the Pancreas to secrete sufficient Insulin to maintain a normal blood-glucose concentration. Secondary diabetes results from damage to or removal of the pancreas. Primary diabetes, the most common type is probably caused by both environmental and genetic factors.

The insulin dependent from of primary diabetes generally has its onset on childhood and characteristic by severe insulin deficiency. Without insulin, diabetic will develop ketoacidosis (high level of ketone bodies in blood, causing low blood pH and possible hearth failure) and coma (caused by high level of blood glucose).

The non-insulin dependent form usually occur in obese people of age 40 or older. They have higher than normal level of insulin, although the insulin is less effective in lowering blood glucose than in diabetics and they are rarely develop ketoacidosis. This pattern is also seen in population that have recently adopted Western process-food diets. Some women developed elevated glucose level during pregnancy, called gestational diabetes, which disappear after they give bird but leave them with an increase risk of developing non-insulin dependent diabetes in the future.

Diagnosis and Treatment
A variety of methods may be used to diagnose diabetes mellitus. In the glucose tolerance test, for example, abnormal glucose metabolism is identified by having a patient who has fasted for 1.8 to 24 hours drink a concentrated solution o glucose; glucose concentration is then measured in blood and urine samples taken ½, 1, 2, and 3 hours after ingestion. The most reliable diagnostic methods detect a blood glucose concentration greater than 140 milligrams per deciliter (normal is 70-1900 mg/dl) after an overnight fast. Also, the presence of 64 K antibody has proved a good predictor of insulin dependent diabetes.

After the isolation of insulin by Frederick G. Banting and Charles Best in 1921, death from ketoacidosis and diabetic coma decreased dramatically. The prolonged life span revealed long-term complications, however, including kidney failure, atheroscierotic heart diseases, blindness, and disorders of the nervous system. These complications are believed to be related to elevated blood-glucose concentrations. The objective of diabetes treatment, therefore, is to restore blood glucose to normal. In obese non-insulin-dependent diabetics the treatment of choice is weigh loss. If this method does not suffice, then oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin is required. Oral hypoglycemic agent act primarily by stimulating the patient’s pancreas to secrete additional insulin.

Insulin-dependent diabetics traditionally have been treated with one or two daily injections of slowly absorbable insulin. This made of insulin therapy; however, result in poor control of the blood glucose. The mimic the closely linked changes in blood glucose and insulin concentrations that occurs in healthy non-diabetics, new techniques for insulin is either injected with a syringe or infused using a small pump under the skin prior to each meal. Low insulin concentrations are maintained between meals by injecting a long-acting insulin preparation or by infusing insulin continuously. New forms of therapy, such as islet or pancreas transplantation, are aimed at normalizing glucose levels.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Be Careful of Using Cotton Butt

Using bad quality cotton but can cause Herpes Zoster Octicus (virus that cause internal ear infection). Reuse of Waste Cotton for producing many product is not good forever if that concerning health problem. Waste Cotton a lot of used as raw material of product with low price. Waste cotton a lot of used for the mixture of Growth Media to plant rice mushroom. Waste Cotton after cleaned is then whitened, dried and re-arranged can be made of beauty cotton, cotton butt, pillow, mattress, doll, toy and others goods from other cotton substance. This goods price is very cheap and not realistic, because original cotton price can reach the Rp. 17,000 per kilogram and viscose cotton made of wood Pulp, now the price have reached above Rp. 10,000 to Rp. 15,000 per kilogram.

Where the source of cheap goods is can be obtained? Mostly cheap goods that we obtain come from China. With the resident amount of more than 1 billion will be easier to collect the elementary substance from seconds especially cotton waste, to be processed become a cheap goods.

From where this seconds source? In the reality secondhand cotton which they use can come from everywhere, non from rest of cotton factory, also not from cotton Viscose industry (this factory just erected in China), but they take the seconds from hospital, medication clinic, pillow factory, etc. the waste cotton of course have contaminated by many disease source, bacterium, virus, germ. This Waste Cotton is cleaned, whitened with the process of bleaching which use bleaching agent like sodium hypochlorite and then washed again and dried. Because Indonesian people by now have known this process, this waste product have possibility is produced in Indonesia too.

Where are Chinas Goods sold? Exactly be sold to developing countries such as Indonesia and the neighborhood countries and also to Africa. So be careful for your Health and Safety in buying cheap product anywhere, from roadside, Supermarket, Dispensary that may be available in these places.