Monday, March 24, 2008

Bone Fracture, Drowning, First Aid Equipments

In many fracture cases or assume fracture, the right action is just waiting for the medical come and laying down the victim. But better if you can give first aid.
Guideline for helping fracture:
1. If there is a severe bleeding, try to stop the bleeding.
2. If open fracture (until tear husk), cover it with lint to preventing from infections.
3. If there is no backbone injure, and victim must been moving from the accident place, then fixation the broken part with splint. Splint can use normal foot for injure foot, chest for broken hand, straight stick, papers or magazine roll. Tie the broken body part to the splint tightly but don't cork blood stream.
4. If supposed there is a back bone fracture, don't move victim from that place. If victim in the middle of the street you need arranging traffic. Wait for paramedic to help and move the victim from street.
Help of drowning or sink People
Don't wasting time to try releasing water from lung.
Should do for helping:
1. Lift up victim to dry place.
2. Check inhalation.
3. In inhalation stop, do resuscitations mouth to mouth.
4. If inhalation beginning normal, lay down victim in the healing position.
First Aid Equipment Should Available:
Every home should be completed with set of first aid apparatus, this sets must be placed out of children reach. The kind of first aid tools:
1. Lint for hurt cover.
2. Roll Plaster.
3. Body thermometer.
4. Scissors
5. Nipper appliance to take thorn.
6. Cotton but.
7. Medicine anti itching.
8. Cream/lotion antiseptic.
9. Gargle
10. Antacid (overcome digestion trouble.)
11. Anti diarrhea.
12. Fever drug.
13. Antiseptic drug.

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