Friday, October 31, 2008

Melamine Contains in China's Products

China now admits that animal feed producers commonly add the industrial chemical melamine to their products to make them appear higher in protein. Melamine is use in china’s industry in many applications. The same name melamine also use as adhesive, after treat and change into sticky substance.

Facing this situation china government even don’t prohibit in use of this chemicals mixed with food, but just limited. As many news in this Internet that says melamine effect if consume for a long time have carcinogenic effect, its mean that our body can’t process this chemicals become a safe substance. As long as melamine use for fooling a customer as if protein content is high but actually low protein.

The tools to check the calorie content may cheated by this substance but our body doesn’t. Our body can’t accept this chemicals as protein but even assume this chemical as poisons. This is why at least 6 babies died after consume milk that contain melamine.

Adding melamine to powdered infant formula is a long-standing, widespread practice in mainland China. Many China’s products that have added melamine as protein cheated, beside a milk powder, biscuit, animals food, and many other product that base of milk such as ice cream, chocolate, yogurt, bread, etc.

Melamine also used in fire retardant foams because its high nitrogen content is released as a flame snuffing gas when it reacts with heat or fire. I also know from personal use that melamine is used to coat the outside of particle board to make a smooth white product to use for shelving.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Scabies on Skin

Scabies skin disease that is caused by a tiny mite that has infested humans for at least 2,500 years ago. It is not hard to detect if you have seen the sign on the skin infected. The patient will feel itch on the skin and can spread vastly. The condition can strike anyone of any race or age, regardless of personal hygiene. The good news is that with better detection methods and treatments, scabies does not need to cause more than temporary distress.

The microscopic mite that causes scabies can barely be seen by the human eye. Being a tiny, eight-legged creature with a round body, the mite burrows in the skin. Within several weeks, the patient develops an allergic reaction causing severe itching; often intense enough to keep sufferers awake all night.
Human scabies is almost always caught from another person by close contact. It could be a child, a friend, or another family member. Everyone is susceptible. Scabies is not a condition only of low-income families and neglected children, although, it is more often seen in crowded living conditions with poor hygiene.

Attracted to warmth and odor, the female mite burrows into the skin, lays eggs, and produces toxins that cause allergic reactions. Larvae, or newly hatched mites, travel to the skin surface, lying in shallow pockets where they will develop into adult mites. If the mite is scratched off the skin, it can live in bedding for up to 24 hours or more. It may take up to a month before a person will notice the itching, especially in people with good hygiene and who bathe regularly.
Many cases of scabies can be diagnosed by your dermatologist without special tests. To confirm scabies your dermatologist can perform a painless test that involves applying a drop of oil to the suspected lesion. The site is then scraped and transferred to a glass slide, which is examined under a microscope. A diagnosis is made by finding scabies mites or their eggs.
  • 5% permethrin cream is applied to the skin from the neck down at bedtime and washed off the next morning. Dermatologists recommend that the cream be applied to cool, dry skin over the entire body (including the palms of the hands, under finger nails, soles of the feet, and the groin) and left on for 8 to 14 hours. A second treatment one week later may be recommended. Side effect of 5% percent permethrin cream includes mild temporary burning and stinging. Lesions heal within four weeks after the treatment. If a patient continues to have trouble, reinfestation may be a problem requiring further evaluation by the dermatologist.
  • 1% lindane lotion is applied from the neck down at night and washed off in the morning. It may be reapplied one week later. Lindane should not be used on infants, small children, pregnant or nursing women, or people with seizures or other neurological diseases, and has been banned in the state of California.
  • 10% percent sulfur ointment and crotamiton cream may be used for infants.
  • Ivermectin is an oral medicine which may be prescribed for the difficult to treat crusted form. It is not to be used in infants or pregnant women.
  • Antihistamines may be prescribed to relieve itching, which can last for weeks, even after the mite is gone.
  • Getting rid of the mites is critical in the treatment of scabies. Everyone in the family or group, whether itching or not, should be treated at the same time to stop the spread of scabies. This includes close friends, day care or school classmates, or nursing homes.
  • Bedding on clothing must be washed or dry cleaned.
  • See a dermatologist as soon as possible to begin treatment. Remember, although you may be disturbed at the thought of bugs, scabies is no reflection on your personal cleanliness.
  • Treat all exposed individuals whether obviously infested or not. Incubation time is 6-8 weeks so symptoms may not show up for a while. If you do not treat everyone, it is as if you were never treated.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Gout or Uric Acid

Uric acid is always produce by our body, but in our body there is an organ that control the concentration on blood so doesn’t make any trouble. Uric acid can make our muscle pain for certain exceed concentration, for young people can tolerate more higher than adult people. Uric acid is including one that cause rheumatic, but rheumatic itself can cause from many reason. Uric acid problem usually called as Gout diseases. If this diseases lets and don’t cure, sometime the kidney can’t handle and uric acid can crystallize and become stone on kidney, and the problem will more serious.

Uric acid is a result of body metabolism by one of protein element, puric substance and kidney are organ arranging its rate stability in body and will bring the rest of uric acid to urine dismissal. But if excess of acid contents, kidney can't be able to arrange it so the excess will accumulate on muscle and joint. Automatically, kidney also will have problem. High concentration of uric acid cause the pain in joint and muscle, if have very serious, can cause the patient cannot walk.

The traditional medicine of uric acid patient as bellows:

Sour sop fruit just eat every day or can make a juice.
  • Laurel like leaf 7 pcs is boiled using 2 glass of water, and lets the water vapor until the rest become 1 glass. Drink every day, morning and evening.

  • Squash is grated then filtered and take the filtrate, drink every day.2 tablespoon of apple vinegar mixed with 1 tablespoon of honey of the size one honey spoon added with warm water 50 cc and drink twice a day during 1 week in the morning and before sleep in the night.
  • Raw potato and green apple make a juice.
Beside drink those medicine, the food below should be avoided:
  • Fermented drink and contains alcohol such as beer, whisk, wine, and others.
  • And never eat lobster, clam, oyster, crab.
  • Many of canned food such as sardines, ox cornet.
  • Various entrails like liver, kidney, heart, brain, hepar, spleen, intestine.
  • Certain fruit like durian, avocado and coco ice.
While the following food should be lessened:
  • Fish, mutton, chicken, ox
  • Tempe, chips emping (gnetum gnemon), bean, pie.
  • Some of vegetable such as broccoli, spinach, kangkung, col and sprouts.
Uric acid can be cured just by eat of Soursop fruit every day or Soursop Juice.I also suffer of these diseases, last day I feel very pain on my foot and back, and just drink a glass of laurellike leaf, and just twice a day and just one day I drink this medicine, and now feel better. Don't be affraid of this diseases, just try the traditional medicine, cheap and very effective.