Saturday, September 14, 2013

Beware 7 Asymptomatic Diseases

When symptoms appear, the condition may have deteriorated or have an advanced stage. 7 diseases should be aware of because often does not cause symptoms and do not realize.

1. Hypertension and High Cholesterol
Hypertension and high cholesterol are essentially not give any complaints for the sufferer. Ideally the normal blood pressure for adults is ≤ 120/80 mmHg, and called hypertension grade I when the tension ≥ 140/90 and grade II hypertension when blood pressure ≥ 160/100. Blood pressure exceeds 180/120 is also called hypertension crisis (dangerous).

But ironically, hypertension until ≥ 200/120 also sometimes does not give any symptoms! Or in most cases, people are just complaining mild dizziness and mild aches. Either know or not the actual impact hypertension has occurred when pressure ≥ 120/80; effect the damage will accumulate until many years later a new cause of heart and blood vessel disease. Especially for hypertensive crisis, the danger of stroke, heart disease, and blood vessel rupture can threaten at any time.

2. Chronic Kidney Disease
The main function of the kidneys is to filter the blood and remove the remains of metabolism in the urine. However, renal disease is not always marked by urine or urination problems. In my experience, only realized when disease symptoms are entered stage III or IV, and some even have direct dialysis (hemodialysis).

Called chronic kidney disease (chronic kidney disease / CKD) when kidney function has decreased progressively. It is feared these CKD patients on renal replacement action is (regular dialysis or a kidney transplant), when it is a terminal stage (stage V). CKD stage IV will not be returning to stage III or II again, and so on, so that the focus of therapy is to prevent further decline in renal function.

3. Diabetes Mellitus (DM)

It should be admitted , the doctor is difficult to determine exactly when the disease actually begins. There is literature that says, if the HbA1C levels ≥ 6.5 (this is the benchmark rate of DM diagnosis) is already micro vascular damage in the retina of the eye due to high sugar levels (retinopathy).

Some patients initially complained of symptoms 3P: polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (frequent thirst), and polyphagia (frequent hunger), and weight loss for no reason. It is a classic symptom of diabetes. Although it had appeared, the symptoms are often overlooked or not considered important. In fact, the complaint may open the door to early detection and proper DM .

4. Osteoporosis
Although we are familiar with this disease, but we do not know whether it is or not experience bone loss. Osteoporosis does not have any symptoms or complaints, patients often come already with pain due to broken bones (fractures) or the incidence of falls due to brittle bones. The highest rate of osteoporosis occurs in postmenopausal women, especially those with low weight.

The right way to detect early bone density is by examination (bone densitometry), or in the early cases can be done with radiological examinations.

5. Coronary Heart Disease ( CHD )
In medicine , male gender and age ≥ 45 years ( yet another plus factor ) is included as a risk factor for coronary heart disease ( CHD ) . CHD usually appears as a left chest pain, such as reduced body weight, which sometimes spreads to the arms, lower jaw, and shoulders. That is, there is a blockage in the coronary arteries. But in fact, CHD can occur without any symptoms! Patients may suddenly fall lying unnoticed.

6. Transmitted infections (HIV and Hepatitis)
Many new patients are known to have contracted HIV after him many other secondary infections. As is known, HIV patients have low immunity so prone to infection. In other words, the HIV virus does not kill the patient directly, but through the secondary infections. HIV patients most likely to die of tuberculosis or hepatitis C.

Fortunately, testing for HIV and hepatitis have been routinely performed on healthy people, for example when applying for a job. In the laboratory results that demonstrate the value of positive HBsAg (hepatitis B markers) . He does not know from which source, and said he did not use intravenous drugs, free sex, or blood transfusions . And there is no health complaints for this; just pure lab results are problematic.

The majority of cases occur due to chronic hepatitis B infection through the placenta in the womb. For example, a pregnant woman with hepatitis B positive, the baby has a very big risk for hepatitis as well, but with the nature of chronic illness: there are no symptoms in the early years.

7. Hepatic cirrhosis (liver shrinkage)
Called cirrhosis of the liver, when normal cells are dead, replaced by fibrous fibers , shrinking its size, and cannot be recovered again . This condition is typically detected through ultrasound liver.
Patients usually have a history of liver disease that gradually and not treated until there was cirrhosis. Is the most common cause of chronic hepatitis are ignored because there are no symptoms.